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What Can Parents Learn From a Global Shoe Business ?

🎄I bought this for my teenager last Christmas, he didn't read it so I thought I should. Tbh was feeling a bit like the only innovation coach who hasn't read it ...

👟I expected to learn about what it takes to run a hugely successful global business and a fair bit about trainers.

💖 I didn't expect to learn so much about parenting. Its his Dad that Phil Knight calls for advice when things aren't going so well. Its his Mum that opens her purse and buys the first pair of 'Limber Ups' trainers. She wears them to do the washing up.

😍 We are our children's first coaches so lets encourage them to dream big, make mistakes and show them we believe in them.

📕 Its not really a business book, its a book about family, friends, travel, resilience and passion. Give it a whirl, if you haven't already !

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